We shared our project idea through the Patreon website in the end of October and thanks to the subscriptions and independent donations we have received from YOU we have reached our first goal of $500/month project support! THANK YOU! We are still accepting donations and subscriptions and would love to have your support.

Using these funds we plan to remaster and release a song every week and we are choosing to do this for 40 weeks starting THIS WEEK! We also plan to shoot and release short videos each week. We imagine that the project support will continue to grow as the project expands and have already been in touch with many people who knew Billy at formative times in his life. We have also been offered the opportunity of creating a radio show with Contemporary Christian Radio Station!
We are working towards a tribute concert /multimedia show to perform at a to be decided venue or venues in the end of September 2019.
This opportunity to delve deep into the living legacy of my biological Father, Billy Masters, comes at a perfect time for me. Creating healthy weekly habits around music creation, collaboration and sharing is perfect; especially as a new mother. Also the skills that Stephen and I are developing through these processes are building our capacities as professional musicians. The support you are giving affords us the ability to share the work we have been doing over the past few years. As we play with platforms and spaces to share, we are open to your feedback and we know that new ways of doing things will evolve. (Artistic Evolución!)

For now we plan to release our music and podcasts through Bandcamp and here on this blog! We will share behind the scenes project creation posts through Patreon and texts/emails.
Over the past 3 months as our family traveled to Hawaii, Los Angeles, Mexico and Arizona-we were able to connect deeply with people who knew and loved Billy and we have gained deeper insight into our role with Guardian Angel Music.
Psalm 96:1 O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth.
We plan to share multiple remastered versions of Billy’s songs as he created them. We plan to harmonize with his works. We are inspired to allow his works to have new lyrics, and to allow the Spirit of his works to inspire new songs. There are quite a few songs that as we work on them, are open to feedback-particularly as we reconstruct lyrics that resonate the most deeply with the current moment of the prayer mantras we wish to sing.
Another aspect of the project is around the beauty of the natural remedies that exist on the Earth. I am living with the reality of creating healthy daily rituals to stay balanced while also having Hashimotos (an autoimmune disease). Billy died of an autoimmune illness and many people who we have been in contact who knew Billy are in the process of healing, recovering and shifting their lifestyles to reflect a desire to live pain free and fully expressed.

Stephen is currently involved practicing Sacred Ecstatics experimentally with the scholarly experience of his teachers, The Keeneys. The basic premise of their work is to spark the heart song and heat up the internal temperature of our bodies so that we may be tuned instruments dancing and singing the divine. We see singing, dancing, sharing healthy (consensual) touch, and exploring natural remedies found in plant allies as being in complete alignment with Guardian Angel Music. In Hawaii and Mexico we were blessed to develop our “Sacred Circuit” workshops at Yoga Studios and Theatre Spaces which offer co-formance opportunities for community to practice helping each other heal through the lens of Guardian Angel Music and Sacred Ecstatics.

We hope you were able to download the Bandcamp album we have already published of Billy Master’s Music with the codes we sent earlier. We are taking requests regarding which songs to work through next. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us launch! We truly appreciate your support!
With Love, In Song,
Lauren, Stephen and Bella Scuderi
Guardian Angel Music